Frequently Asked Questions

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What does the status of the LED on the LR-MB correspond to ?
  • Green LED: normal operation.
  • Flashing green LED: Firmware update in progress.
  • Red LED flashing 3 times: several possible causes. 1/ Loss of Wi-Fi access point (box) or connection not established. Restart your box as well as the product. 2/ During initialization, the password entered is not correct. Recommendation: Enter the box password in a “Notes” type application on your mobile. Copy the password with a long press and paste it in the corresponding field. Repeat the initialization procedure. 3/ During initialization, the product may be too far from the box: bring the product closer.
  • Red LED flashing twice: time alarm. The LR-MB is no longer on time. If your product is connected to the MySOLEM platform, the time setting will be automatic. Otherwise, connect to the LR-MB from the application and check that the message "Synchronization OK" is displayed.
  • LED off: the product is not powered.
What does the state of the LED on the LR-BST / BST REACT gateway correspond to?
The LEDs are functional for one hour at start-up. Beyond this period, the product switches to standby mode.
  • Green LED: normal operation.
  • Flashing green LED: LoRa communication.
  • Red LED flashing 3 times: loss of GSM network.
  • Red LED flashing twice: time alarm. The product is no longer on time. If your product is connected to the MySOLEM platform, the time update will be automatic. Otherwise, connect to the LR-BST/BST-REACT from the MySOLEM application and check that the message "Synchronization OK" is displayed.
  • Blinking white LEDs: searching for better network.
  • Flashing blue LEDs: platform communication.
What does the status of the LED on the SMART-IS / LR-IS correspond to?
  • Green LED: normal operation.
  • Flashing green LED: a channel is in progress (the number of flashes corresponds to the number of the activated station).
  • Blinking orange LED: Firmware update in progress.
  • Orange LED 4 flashes: short-circuit on a station.
  • Static red LED: the product is in initialization mode for 2 minutes.
  • Fast flashing red LED: fault (Sensor open or flow threshold reached). Watering is suspended but the program continues to run. If the "fault" disappears, the program resumes its course (the number of flashes of the LED corresponds to the currently inactive station).
  • Red LED flashing twice: the programmer has lost the time, reconnect to re-synchronize it.
  • Red LED flashing 3 times: loss of Wi-Fi signal (Wi-Fi key entered incorrectly, product installed too far away or internet cut).
  • Red LED flashing 4 times: one of the stations has a short-circuit or is over-consumption or you have switched the product off and on again twice in a short time while a station was in progress.
  • Red LED flashing 5 times: You have exceeded the time required to initialize the programmer. Repeat the initialization procedure.
  • LED off: the product is not powered.
What is the professional account for?
Access to the professional account requires an activation request made directly on the platform. Once the request has been studied and accepted by the SOLEM team, the account allows you to offer a module management service to your customers. When you send a management request to a user via the platform, the latter may or may not grant you access to its products and the modification of its programs.
How many controllers can be associated with a gateway?

The number of modules that can be associated depends on the gateway:

LR-MB-10 : 10 modules

LR-MB-30 : 30 modules

LR-BST / LR-BST-REACT : 25 modules

Irrigation station: 24 modules (because of an integrated LR-MS)

How do I deactivate / reactivate my controller?
  1. Open the MySOLEM application or on the MySOLEM platform.
  2. Select the relevant module.
  3. Switch the module mode to OFF or ON « OFF » or « ON ».
How do I disable alert notifications?

To disable or enable notifications generated following probe alerts:

  1. Log in to your MySOLEM account via the platform.
  2. Go to the "My account" tab
  3. Look for the "Alerts" section

How do I configure my pressure sensor?
  1. The pressure sensor contact is normally closed.
  2. Place the pressure sensor on the irrigation line.
  3. Remove the pressure sensor cap.
  4. Check that the value is 0 by selecting the “instantaneous value” function connected via Bluetooth on the app.
  5. Activate watering and verify that the value has changed to 1.
  6. To set it precisely, during watering, screw the pressure sensor until you reach the value of 0.
  7. Then, still during watering, gently unscrew the pressure sensor until you reach the value 1 again.
  8. Note that you can also use a multimeter instead of using the instantaneous value.
How do I retrieve the programming of my device?
  1. Open the MySOLEM app.
  2. Access the programmer while connected via Bluetooth.
  3. Open the settings ('pencil' icon at the top right of the screen).
  4. Select “Retrieve data from programmer
How do I reset my device's programming?
  1. Open the MySOLEM app.
  2. Enter the product while connected in Bluetooth.
  3. Open the settings ('pencil' icon at the top right of the screen).
  4. Select “Clear programs and times
My program does not start, what should I do?

If your program does not start, perform the following checks:

  • Check that the programmer is not in "OFF" mode, via the platform or the MySOLEM mobile application.
  • Check that the product is up to date.
  • Check that the MySOLEM app is up to date. Go to the PlayStore (for Android) or the App Store (for iOS) and check if a new version is available.
  • Make sure the wiring from the module to the solenoid valve is correct.

If these checks have not helped resolve the problem, contact the technical service on +33 (0)4 67 59 99 73.

MyINDYGO, MySOLEM, MyGARDEN, which application to use?
  • MyINDYGO : for the use of INDYGO swimming pool products only.
  • MySOLEM : for the use of SOLEM irrigation and outdoor lighting products.
  • MyGARDEN : for the use of products dedicated to managing your garden: irrigation, swimming pool and lighting.

For each product, the application to be used is indicated in the instructions.

What is the WATERBUDGET?

The Water Budget allows you to adjust the watering duration that has been entered into the watering program.

Exemple :

Station 1 : duration = 1h

Water Budget = 50 %

Then the duration of Station 1 will be 30 minutes.

What type of water meter should I use?

All brands of water meters whose impulse head is of the dry contact type are compatible with SOLEM modules (LR-IP-FL, LR-IS-FL, LR-AG, LR-MS, LR-PM, SMART IS, Woobee).

If my programmer runs out of battery, do I lose my programs?

No, they are never lost, they are automatically saved.


What does the status of the LED on the SMART-IS / LR-IS correspond to?
  • Green LED: normal operation.
  • Flashing green LED: a channel is in progress (the number of flashes corresponds to the number of the activated station).
  • Blinking orange LED: Firmware update in progress.
  • Orange LED 4 flashes: short-circuit on a station.
  • Static red LED: the product is in initialization mode for 2 minutes.
  • Fast flashing red LED: fault (Sensor open or flow threshold reached). Watering is suspended but the program continues to run. If the "fault" disappears, the program resumes its course (the number of flashes of the LED corresponds to the currently inactive station).
  • Red LED flashing twice: the programmer has lost the time, reconnect to re-synchronize it.
  • Red LED flashing 3 times: loss of Wi-Fi signal (Wi-Fi key entered incorrectly, product installed too far away or internet cut).
  • Red LED flashing 4 times: one of the stations has a short-circuit or is over-consumption or you have switched the product off and on again twice in a short time while a station was in progress.
  • Red LED flashing 5 times: You have exceeded the time required to initialize the programmer. Repeat the initialization procedure.
  • LED off: the product is not powered.
My LR-MB is no longer connected to the Wi-Fi of my internet box, what should I do?
  • Carry out the following initial checks: have you changed boxes? Is the box's Wi-Fi down or stuck? Is a repeater or PLC faulty? Has the box code been changed?
  • Check the status of the Product LED. Red LED flashing 3 times: loss of access point (too far, the box has been moved or has been deleted following a breakdown of the box).
  • Restarting the box or the access point can solve the problem at first. Wait for it to be operational again.
  • Redo the box association procedure. Note: when you are near the controller it will automatically give priority to the Bluetooth connection.

Box association procedure

If when you leave the Bluetooth range of the LR-MB, it switches to "Disconnected" status on the MySOLEM application, this means that the association with your Wi-Fi network has not been carried out correctly or that you are not logged into your MySOLEM account (in this case log in or create a MySOLEM account.)

If the account is already created and you are logged in, follow the following procedure or in video:

  1. Disconnect and reconnect the LR-MB electrically so that it enters “association” mode for approximately 2 minutes.
  2. Click on the button +/ add a controller and select the type of product "LR-MB".
  3. Click on “Associate”, the list of available Wi-Fi networks appears.
  4. Select your home's Wi-Fi network then enter the Wi-Fi key (if your Wi-Fi network is not displayed, this may mean that your programmer is out of range or that the box's Wi-Fi is down (restart the box), you will then need to add a repeater or CPL Wifi boxes in order to extend your Wi-Fi network).
  5. Check that it works by disabling Bluetooth and Wi-Fi on your phone (the programmer should remain in connected status and the Bluetooth symbol, appearing at the top right of your product image, should be replaced by the symbol of a planet with www).
My SMART-IS is no longer connected to the Wi-Fi of my internet box, what should I do?
  • Carry out the following initial checks: have you changed boxes? Is the box's Wi-Fi down or stuck? Is a repeater or PLC faulty? Has the box code been changed?
  • Check the status of the Product LED. Red LED flashing 3 times: loss of access point (too far, the box has been moved or has been deleted following a breakdown of the box).
  • Restarting the box or the access point can solve the problem at first. Wait for it to be operational again.
  • Redo the box association procedure. Note: when you are near the controller it will automatically give priority to the Bluetooth connection.

Box association procedure

If when you leave the Bluetooth range of the Smart-IS, it switches to "Disconnected" status on the MySOLEM application, this means that the association with your Wi-Fi network has not been correctly carried out or that you are not logged into your MySOLEM account (in this case log in otherwise create a MySOLEM account.)

If the account is already created and you are logged in, follow the following procedure or in video:

  1. Disconnect and reconnect the SMART-IS electrically so that it enters “association” mode for approximately 2 minutes.
  2. Click on the +/ add a controller button and select the “Smart-IS” product type.
  3. Click on “Associate”, the list of available Wi-Fi networks appears.
  4. Select your home's Wi-Fi network then enter the Wi-Fi key (if your Wi-Fi network is not displayed, this may mean that your programmer is out of range or that the box's Wi-Fi is down (restart the box), you will then need to add a repeater or CPL Wifi boxes in order to extend your Wi-Fi network).
  5. Check that it works by disabling Bluetooth and Wi-Fi on your phone (the programmer should remain in connected status and the Bluetooth symbol, appearing at the top right of the image of your product, should be replaced by the symbol of a planet with www).


I have just launched a manual remote control on my LoRa module via my gateway, why does the watering not start?

The LoRa irrigation module wakes up its radio every 3 minutes, so irrigation will start within a maximum of 3 minutes.